Sunday, March 1, 2015

OBSIDIAN Pledge of TRUTH...Father and Son...


Each crystal, mineral, gem, is a vibrational universe, conveying its intention... we need only to listen and its knowing will be conveyed.

A young student, with a very wise and loving soul, recently stated that I had OBSIDIAN POWER ... and so we communicate our truth through the intention of the OBSIDIAN we share. A universe of intention lies within each crystal, each gem, each mineral. Here pictured is a father's hand and his son's hand, pledging to be in truth and to make that truth known to one another heart emoticon. YES, the accord of OBSIDIAN POWER heart emoticon.

When the Pledge of Truth, prompted by the son, was made by father and son, JOY and LIGHT became ONE. This the knowing of a 6 year old.

All in the APOGEE Paradigm™ spirit,

Rose Marie Raccioppi

Thank You Crystals on the Rocks and Kim Oleary for providing such treasures.

Photo: OBSIDEAN Pledge of TRUTH, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi. APOGEE Paradigm™, 2015.

An Accord: Michael Meade on Authentic Education... the way of the APOGEE Paradigm™

APOGEE Paradigm™

Michael Meade on Authentic Education

A new interview with Michael Meade

In this brand new interview with mythologist Michael Meade, 
Jennifer Louden of the pioneering education group TeachNow 
delve into a remarkable and surprising conversation about the 
true meanings of teaching, mentoring, and genius-based 

“We think that teaching comes from having the position of 
teacher,” Meade says, “when I think real teaching comes
from being authentic, so that it becomes fully awakened 

Far from a classroom specific activity, education and 
learning are life-long processes. “The underlying dynamic
of education is way more than school,” Meade says. 
“In other words, to really be in touch with the archetype
of educating would be to remember that the educators 
are really aimed at teaching an entire culture.”