Thursday, April 8, 2010

APOGEE Learning Enhancement Training Systems™

Learn the Most Successful Study
Subject Mastery Strategies

Mastery of any subject calls for the the 3 Cs: (1) Commitment (2) Courage (3)
Competence. An achiever, a student warrior learns that any barrier to study, to mastery, can be overcome. The achiever asks: How is what I am expected to learn relevant? What is its importance? What is to be done? How am I to start? What steps do I need to take? How is my success measured? What tools are there to help me? What benefit will I derive? Having answers to these questions provide meaningful motivation, assuring a Commitment, a willingness to invest time and effort.

Understanding of one's needs, of one's learning style, of one's interest, of one's talents, of one's strong points, confronting one's fears, doubts, concerns, brings one to a state of Courage, to a state of self awareness, to an opportunity to be proactive, to meet the challenge of learning and mastery.

Commitment and Courage provide the impetus for learning and mastery. Learning, to be effective and life long, must be cultivated from personal need and motivation. Competence is developed, is experienced when one sees the effectiveness of one's approach, effort and devoted time. The benefits of Commitment, Courage and Competence are cyclic, the process is cyclic, each opens the door to the other.

The achiever learns that (1) one is to know the meaning and the particular context of each word in an assignment, in an instruction, in what is read, heard or demonstrated. No word that is not fully understood is to be glossed over. Every word is to be 'cleared' for understanding, application and relevance. The achiever learns that (2) there is to be 'mass' to what is learned, how does this idea, concept, object, function, in the world of action, interaction, purpose? The achiever learns that (3) there is a 'gradient' to all learning. One needs to identify what the prerequisite skills are for each step, each requirement, each expectation.

These principles of mastery apply to all stages of learning, to the first grader, as well as to the upper grade student, and to the adult learner. One begins with the end in mind, in focus, in perspective. One learns to think, "Win/Win." Overcoming barriers to learning, is a game plan of (1) Self-awareness, (2) Intention, (3) Strategy, (4) Confidence, (5) Understanding, (6) Integration, (7) Personal renewal - all marked for winning scores.

Let us begin a dialogue that benefits our children
and their learning potential.

Rose Marie Raccioppi

Founded in 1983 - Documented Student Success!
Do visit web site for full description of services.



    And so your vision, mission grows - I am thrilled to be a part - I will simpy say -

    Every child needs a cheer-leader!! Pom poms and all!! ( so-to-speak) :-)

    Love Gail

  2. Dearest Gail,

    I know you deeply understand the call of a child - to life - to BEING... I, in heartfelt gratitude welcome you here. Please feel free to post, your perspectives, your vision. You are loved dear friend.

    Always the best,

    Rose Marie
